21 research outputs found

    Simple Signal Extension Method for Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    Discrete wavelet transform of finite-length signals must necessarily handle the signal boundaries. The state-of-the-art approaches treat such boundaries in a complicated and inflexible way, using special prolog or epilog phases. This holds true in particular for images decomposed into a number of scales, exemplary in JPEG 2000 coding system. In this paper, the state-of-the-art approaches are extended to perform the treatment using a compact streaming core, possibly in multi-scale fashion. We present the core focused on CDF 5/3 wavelet and the symmetric border extension method, both employed in the JPEG 2000. As a result of our work, every input sample is visited only once, while the results are produced immediately, i.e. without buffering.Comment: preprint; presented on ICSIP 201

    The Parallel Algorithm for the 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    The discrete wavelet transform can be found at the heart of many image-processing algorithms. Until now, the transform on general-purpose processors (CPUs) was mostly computed using a separable lifting scheme. As the lifting scheme consists of a small number of operations, it is preferred for processing using single-core CPUs. However, considering a parallel processing using multi-core processors, this scheme is inappropriate due to a large number of steps. On such architectures, the number of steps corresponds to the number of points that represent the exchange of data. Consequently, these points often form a performance bottleneck. Our approach appropriately rearranges calculations inside the transform, and thereby reduces the number of steps. In other words, we propose a new scheme that is friendly to parallel environments. When evaluating on multi-core CPUs, we consistently overcome the original lifting scheme. The evaluation was performed on 61-core Intel Xeon Phi and 8-core Intel Xeon processors.Comment: accepted for publication at ICGIP 201

    Script Language for Image Processing

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    This paper proposes a design and structure of script language which is intended for easy description and prototyping of high-level image processing operations. The image operations are meant to be composed from basic building blocks represented by either C/C++ functions or appropriate block connections in FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) circuits. The proposed language is designed for use in systems for rapid prototyping and testing of image processing applications as well as for final implementations of the applications. The integration of language into such systems is discussed as well as explanations of parts of the image processing system as seen through the interface of the proposed scripting language. The paper targets structures and syntax of the language, parallelization of high-level image operations and communication between the multiple instances of interpreters of the scripts

    On-the-Fly Calculation of Time-Averaged Acoustic Intensity in Time-Domain Ultrasound Simulations Using a k-Space Pseudospectral Method

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    OBJECTIVE: This paper presents a method to calculate the average acoustic intensity during ultrasound simulation using a new approach that exploits compression of intermediate results. METHODS: One of the applications of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) simulations is the calculation of the thermal dose, which indicates the amount of tissue destroyed using a state-of-the-art k-space pseudospectral method. The thermal simulation is preceded by the calculation of the average intensity within the acoustic simulation. Due to the time staggering between the particle velocity and the acoustic pressure used in such simulations, the average intensity calculation is typically executed offline after the acoustic simulation consuming both disk space and time (the data can spread over terabytes). Our new approach calculates the average intensity during the acoustic simulation using the output coefficients of a new compression method which enables resolving the time staggering on-the-fly with huge disk space savings. To reduce RAM requirements, the article also presents a new 40-bit method for encoding compression complex coefficients. RESULTS: Experimental numerical simulations with the proposed method have shown that disk space requirements are up to 99 % lower. The simulation speed was not significantly affected by the approach and the compression error did not affect the prediction accuracy of the thermal dose. CONCLUSION: From the standpoint of supercomputers, the new approach is significantly more economical. SIGNIFICANCE: Saving computing resources increases the chances of real use of acoustic simulations in practice. The method can be applied to signals of a similar character, e.g., for electromagnetic radio waves

    Fast covariance recovery in incremental nonlinear least square solvers

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    Many estimation problems in robotics rely on efficiently solving nonlinear least squares (NLS). For example, it is well known that the simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) problem can be formulated as a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and solved using NLS, yielding a mean state vector. However, for many applications recovering only the mean vector is not enough. Data association, active decisions, next best view, are only few of the applications that require fast state covariance recovery. The problem is not simple since, in general, the covariance is obtained by inverting the system matrix and the result is dense. The main contribution of this paper is a novel algorithm for fast incremental covariance update, complemented by a highly efficient implementation of the covariance recovery. This combination yields to two orders of magnitude reduction in computation time, compared to the other state of the art solutions. The proposed algorithm is applicable to any NLS solver implementation, and does not depend on incremental strategies described in our previous papers, which are not a subject of this paper